Thursday, January 31, 2013

Written in the Language of the Zohar

Written in the Language of the Zohar

The Zohar

Come and see
Each and every day
When the sun rises.
A bird awakens
In a tree in the Garden of Eden,
And calls out three times.

And the herald calls aloud,
"Those among you who see
But do not see,
Who are in the next world
But do not know they exist,
They would be better off not to have been born
Than to be born."

This is because the wisdom of Kabbalah is before them,
And they do not engage in it
Or observe the glory of their Master.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Taste and See

Taste and See
Michael Laitman

The Creator
Created one vessel
Called Adam HaRishon,
And shattered it
Into numerous tiny fragments.

He did this in order for them
To learn together
What it means to love,
And together reach
All the way to Him.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Vessel for Abundance

A Vessel for Abundance

Abundance itself
Is similar to a vast sea.

Some take from it
With a thimble,
While others
With a bucket.

Monday, January 28, 2013

On Two Levels

On Two Levels

Michael Laitman

Every thing and every concept
Should be interpreted on two levels:
The common level
And the level of truth.

The common level is entirely make-believe,
Like children playing with a toy car
As if it were a real car,
Or a toy plane
As if it were a real plane.

But the level called "truth"
Or "The wisdom of truth"
Is entirely real work.
And that is the level we must reach.

However, we need those forces
That raise us up
And bring us to that level.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Michael Laitman

"It makes no difference how much a child understands. But from precisely that section that he reads and does not understand, the surrounding Light is drawn to him and keeps his soul.

At that time, that person is guaranteed to stay out of harm’s way, as he is surrounded by a higher force than our world. This is why the wisdom of Kabbalah is the springboard for children and for people everywhere."