Friday, March 29, 2013

The Wise Heart

The Wise Heart
Tales and allegories of three contemporary sages

Through words and letters
We touch upon that hidden realm called
“The Spiritual World”

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Focus on the Creator

Focus on the Creator
Michael Laitman

The wisdom of Kabbalah shows us
How to turn ourselves around from within
To discover the Creator.

When zooming in on an object through a camera lens,
We turn the ring a little to the right, then a little to the left,
And sharpen our focus
Until suddenly,
There it is!
Our object is crystal clear.

In much the same way, we approach the Creator
By studying the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spiritual Waves

Spiritual Waves
Michael Laitman

Our inner work is
To tune our hearts
And our senses
To perceive the spiritual world.

Like a radio receiver
On which the knobs are gently turned
To detect the waves in the air,
We tune ourselves

To the spiritual frequency
With increasing precision,
Using actions called "intentions."

Until suddenly,
Another dimension appears,
Disclosing the spiritual world.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Small World

A Small World
Michael Laitman

A small child inhabits a small world.
He does not see,
Or understand
That a much larger world exists.

Even in his small world
He is told
That part of it is his to use,
And that other parts are not allowed.

But little by little
These boundaries
And he begins to understand
That he is allowed to do more.

And the world he used to see
As a little bubble
Gradually expands.

He notices there is a street,
And a town beyond the street,
And there is the whole world.
And he himself on earth.

The wisdom of Kabbalah
Is gradually revealed to us.

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Worm in the Radish

The Worm in the Radish
Baal HaSulam

The worm born inside a radish
Sits there thinking
That the Creator's world
Is as bitter,
And small
As the radish
In which it was born.

But as soon as the worm
Breaks through the radish's peel
And gets a glimpse of the outside,
It says in wonderment,
"I thought the entire world
Was the size of the radish in which I was born,
But now I see
A great,
And truly beautiful world
Before me."

Sunday, March 24, 2013

An Airplane in the Sky

An Airplane in the Sky

Ten people are standing,
Looking at an airplane in the distance.
Its size
In their eyes
Is just a tiny speck.

Some of the people have binoculars,
Showing the plane as much larger.
But each of them has a different kind of binoculars.
One set of binoculars greatly magnifies the plane,
While the other magnifies it less.

Therefore, one viewer sees
A four-meter airplane,
And the other says it's only three.
Yet another claims it is only two.

They are all telling
The truth about what they see,
But the differences among them
Make no changes to the plane itself.
Rather, the only differences are in the people
Looking at the airplane.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Walking Before the King

Walking Before the King
Baal HaSulam
A man walking along the road
Sees a most beautiful garden
And hears a voice calling him.
It is the King strolling in the garden.

The man leaps over the fence
And into the garden.
In his excitement and haste
He does not notice
That he is walking ahead of the King
While the King is strolling
Close behind him.

And so the man walks on,
Thanking the King and praising him
With all his heart
In preparation for
Greeting the King.
And still, he takes no notice
That the King is right beside him.

Suddenly, he turns around
And sees the King beside him.
Naturally, he is very glad
And he begins to walk behind the King,
Thanking and praising him with all his might,
For the King is ahead of him and he is behind.

And so they stroll right up to the entrance.
The man walks out the door,
Returning to his starting point,
And the King remains in the garden
And locks the gate.

When the man realizes
They have parted,
And that the King is no longer with him,
He begins to seek the opening of the garden
through which he had left,
So that the King will be ahead of him.

But there is no such gate.
There is only the way
He entered the first time,
When he was ahead of the King.
And the King was behind him,

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Point in the Heart

The Point in the Heart
Michael Laitman

For tens of thousands of years
We evolve
In this world.
Until suddenly,
The point in our hearts awakens
That recollection called,
"A part of God above."

Then we begin to ask,
"What is the meaning of my life?"
And to long for something
Higher than this world.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Building with an Elevator

A Building with an Elevator
Michael Laitman
Reality is a permanent structure.
It is like a building
With 125 floors
And an elevator to go up and down.
It goes up wherever one wishes
And down to where one descends.

Besides the person,
Nothing else changes.
He is the operator of the elevator
Going up or down in the building.

This elevator is the heart in each of us,
The conditions of our hearts,
And all we need is to search
How to ride up,
And then desire
.To ride up

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Revealed on the Outside

Revealed On the Outside
When the heart is filled
With excitement,
Whether it is caused by good things
Or by bad things,
The impression is revealed on the outside.

It is like a glass of water:
When it’s full,
It overflows.
Likewise, our tears
Are the overflowing surplus.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Right Scrutiny

The Right Scrutiny
Michael Laitman

Every step of the way,
Wherever we turn,
We must scrutinize.

Our scrutiny is
To rise
Above emotion and above reason
Requesting the reason of the Upper One.

The reason of the Upper One
Is called "Faith and Bestowal"
Whereas man's reason
Is called "Knowing and Receiving."

Monday, March 18, 2013

A Diamond on Sale

A Diamond on Sale

Once, some people purchased a diamond
And were joyful that they had paid
An extremely low price.
But one of them wondered
If, in fact, the diamond was genuine.

No one in town knew
Anything about diamonds,
So they went to an expert merchant
To find out if
The diamond was real or fake.
They were pleased with his reply
That it was real.

But one man wondered
About trusting the merchant,
Since he might be a crook himself.
So this man decided to learn
The trade himself
And become an expert,
Which he did, successfully.